Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
We are all married now
The second one to get married was me.
I married Mike on August 1, 2008

Chellese married Evan on August 16, 2008
The fourth one to get married was Whitney.
Whitney married Monty on August 7, 2009
The fifth one to get married was Tina.
Tina married Colby on December 18, 2009
The sixth on to get married was Amy.
Amy married Aaron on November 6, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Don't Forget to wear your "REDNECK" Shirt!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Two Years and Couting!

Fun for all ages!
After all of us were in and jumping we looked over at Angie and she had gotten a little to close to the edge and the edge had collapsed on her bending her in half. Kristy and I couldn't stop laughing even after we noticed she really needed help because she could get out. After we saved Angie we decided to exit the house. Mike went first and some how literally fail out of the house and ate dirt. Angie, Kristy and I got out with no problem. From that moment on any time there were no kids in the bounce house the adults would take their turn and although we could never stay in for very long because it is very tiring and we were laughing to hard, it was still fun.
Later that night as Steve and Mike were putting the bounce house away, they found something new to do with the bounce house. Steve was on one side and Mike jumped on the other side throwing Steve off the corner he was on and landing on the grass. After finding out that this was fun, Steve came inside and had me and Allison come outside and try it. After doing it a few times we went inside and got Kristy to come try. The fun finally stopped when it started to pour.
I think it is safe to say, to have any kind of family get together/ family party without a bounce house of some kind will just not cut it anymore.
Ephraim/ Manti Weekend
My Dad had asked us if we would like to go 4-wheeling with Him and my Stepmom for the weekend and we accepted. So after I got off work on Thursday, July 15, 2010 we packed up are things and headed towards Ephraim. We got into town around 9:30pm and after some planning with my parents on what time we would be up to eat breakfast and to leave, we hit the sack.
Friday, July 16, 2010, around 9:00am we headed up Ephraim Canyon. The first trial we took was a short ride down to Grassy Flats Reservoir. This reservoir was tucked away down a mountain path and was one of those place that you would never know existed unless you knew it was there.
After our short break at the reservoir we head back to the trail and just road. We road along Skyline Drive for a while, took some side road trails, saw some wild life, mostly sheep, and just enjoyed the day. We did run across some snow so my Dad said I should make a snow angel and send it to our missionaries, so I did. Needless to say the snow was very wet and cold, looking back on it now however it did feel good.
After 7 good hours of 4-wheeling, we head down off the mountain to eat dinner, shower and go to bed.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
After loading up the 4-wheelers and eating breakfast we headed to Manti where we would be 4-wheeling for the day. We started off the day heading towards Duck Fork Reservoir and can I say getting to this stop was one of the most beautiful rides I have ever been on. We had every kind of terrain possible, we road through beautiful meadows, thick dense forest, open ranges, we climbed over rocks, tree roots, road straight up hill, and road straight down hill. We saw deer, sheep, and best yet, very little people.
After stopping at Duck Fork we headed to Snow Lake and getting there was also a beautiful ride, we passed fields of wild flowers and other small little reservoirs along the way. After Snow Lake we started making our way down off the mountain. Making our way down off the mountain took a couple more hours of cool riding, lots of mud puddles and rock to climb over but the coolest was the final minutes of the ride, straight down. When I say straight down, I mean we were going straight down, weaving in and out of trees and making sharp turns it was fun. Also on our way down we saw the Manti Valley come into view, can I say what a beautiful little valley.
We had a great weekend! Beautiful riding, beautiful things to look at, great weather and great company.
Monday, July 12, 2010
American Fork Steel Day's
I know I should think more about the fact that I am improving my health and finishing 5K's then dwell on the fact that I have yet to finish a race with a quicker time than the last, but it would be nice to finish at least one race with a quicker time the the previous. Our next 5k will be August 14 so I have one month to solidify my 3.2 miles and improve my time. Wish me luck!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
4th of July Weekend
So what it boils down to is that we spent all day smoothing out hills, filling in holes, moving rocks, spreading topsoil and laying 2000 sq. feet of topsoil and then realizing that we didn't take one pictures of this very rocky day.
Saturday, July 3, 2010 we had a BBQ with Allison and Steve, watched the UFC fight, and relaxed from the previous day.
Sunday, July 4, 2010 we went to my Moms and had dinner then came back home to help my Dad load our 4-wheeler into his truck so we could go 4-wheeling the next day.
Monday, July 5, 2010 we got up at 5 am in order to be Allison house no later than 5:45 am and be in Provo no later than 6:45 am so we could be at the start line for the Freedom 5k we would be running. That's right our second 5K of the summer! Once again we all finished, Allison coming in first with a time of 36.23, Mike coming in second with a time of 39.19 and me coming in third with a time of 41.52. Although all of our times increased from our first race, I don't think they were bad considering the last leg of the race was all up hill. Although I finished with a slower time, I loved this race, I loved running with thousands of people, it kept me moving. (Click on the links below to see photos of Mike and I during the race.)
View Photos from Freedom Run - America's Freedom Festival at Provo
View Photos from Freedom Run - America's Freedom Festival at Provo

Pool Time

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Father's Day Weekend
Saturday, June 19, 2010, I volunteered to help out with the Community Health Fair that Riverton Hospital, where I work, hosted. I took part in testing total cholesterol and blood glucose. So, while I was at work, Mike went to a golf tournament with a few guys from work. Later that evening we went to Allison's, Mikes sister, to watch Alex, our nephew, while Allison, Steve and Shayna, our niece, went out for Father's Day.
Sunday, June 20, 2010 Happy Father's Day.
Since Scott, Mike's dad, is serving a mission in Peru and since my dad was just getting back from a long two weeks of annual training for the Guard, we went to Karl and Iara's house, Mike's uncle and aunt, for again another amazing Brazilian BBQ. We also watched Brazil win against Ivory Coast in the World Cup. After leaving there, we headed to Allison's so I could take some pictures of their family and for another BBQ. Although I talked to my Dad on Fathers Day, it was weird not splitting time between Mikes Dad and my Dad on their day. Although we missed them, they both know we love them very much and hope they had a great day.
Do you like Grandpa?
On another occasion as I was watching Shayna and Alex, Shayne wanted to go the the park, so being the good aunt I am, I loaded the diaper bag and we headed to the park. Shayna loves the park, I seriously think, no I know, she could spend hours there. She loves to go down the slides, so since Grandma and Grandpa are gone I thought I would take pictures of her, for them.