Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

Every year at Mike's work they have a costume party for Halloween and every year, all year long, I rack my brain on what he could be for Halloween. This costume party is not a normal costume party there is a lot at stake. See there is this girl named Emilee and Emilee comes up with the most elegant costumes every year and no one can beat her costumes. If you know me at all you know I am a little competitive and after I found out this tidbit of information it has became my goal to beat her. Halloween 2009 Mike tied Emilee for first place and this year I thought Mike's costume for sure would beat her. In college I had a pretty creative roommate named Tina and she came up with the idea of a costume that another one of my roommates, Chellese, wore for Halloween one year and won a costume party. That costume was a bag of marshmallows. I thought if anything people would vote for Mike even if it was just out of sympathy and although Mike took second Emilee still won. So my internal drive to beat Emilee will continue at least for one more year.

1 comment:

  1. HAHahhahahHAhaha! No way. You totally should've won! You did great! What was SHE?!
