Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ephraim/ Manti Weekend

So if you haven't figured this out by now you will understand by the end of this post how much we love 4-wheeling. I have to admit we don't do it that often, but when we do go we remember why we love it.

My Dad had asked us if we would like to go 4-wheeling with Him and my Stepmom for the weekend and we accepted. So after I got off work on Thursday, July 15, 2010 we packed up are things and headed towards Ephraim. We got into town around 9:30pm and after some planning with my parents on what time we would be up to eat breakfast and to leave, we hit the sack.

Friday, July 16, 2010, around 9:00am we headed up Ephraim Canyon. The first trial we took was a short ride down to Grassy Flats Reservoir. This reservoir was tucked away down a mountain path and was one of those place that you would never know existed unless you knew it was there.

After our short break at the reservoir we head back to the trail and just road. We road along Skyline Drive for a while, took some side road trails, saw some wild life, mostly sheep, and just enjoyed the day. We did run across some snow so my Dad said I should make a snow angel and send it to our missionaries, so I did. Needless to say the snow was very wet and cold, looking back on it now however it did feel good.

After 7 good hours of 4-wheeling, we head down off the mountain to eat dinner, shower and go to bed.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
After loading up the 4-wheelers and eating breakfast we headed to Manti where we would be 4-wheeling for the day. We started off the day heading towards Duck Fork Reservoir and can I say getting to this stop was one of the most beautiful rides I have ever been on. We had every kind of terrain possible, we road through beautiful meadows, thick dense forest, open ranges, we climbed over rocks, tree roots, road straight up hill, and road straight down hill. We saw deer, sheep, and best yet, very little people.

After stopping at Duck Fork we headed to Snow Lake and getting there was also a beautiful ride, we passed fields of wild flowers and other small little reservoirs along the way.
After Snow Lake we started making our way down off the mountain. Making our way down off the mountain took a couple more hours of cool riding, lots of mud puddles and rock to climb over but the coolest was the final minutes of the ride, straight down. When I say straight down, I mean we were going straight down, weaving in and out of trees and making sharp turns it was fun. Also on our way down we saw the Manti Valley come into view, can I say what a beautiful little valley.

We had a great weekend! Beautiful riding, beautiful things to look at, great weather and great company.

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