Saturday May 29, 2010, Valter Day. Allow me to explain. Mike's aunt Iara also know as, TiTia, is from Brazil and her dad Valter still lives in Brazil and due to some unfortunate events with Iara's mom, Valter came to the USA arriving May 18th. Since we were on our cruise when we found out Valter was here, Mike said, "We have to go to Iara's house on Saturday." Saturday came and after mowing our lawns we headed to Iara's. This would be my first time meeting this infamous man and I mean infamous man. Everyone talks about him, how funny he is and about all of his idiosyncrasies and after meeting him, he really is as funny as he is talked up to be. Although I had to have my own translator with me all day because Iara, Karl, Mike's uncle, Mike, and Valter were all speaking Portuguese, we literally laughed all day. We had such a good time. We planned our tentative trip to Brazil, we want to go in 2014 for the World Cup, we talked about soccer, and the trips that Valter had planned when he returned to Brazil. We also planned a Brazilian BBQ for Memorial Day. All in all it was a very good day, good company, great family and lots of laughs. Sorry no pictures :(
Sunday May 30, 2010 Mike, Me, Kristy, and Aaron all went up American Fork Canyon for a BBQ dinner. We ate Dawgs and Burgers as Aaron would say, roasted some Marshmallows, and took some pictures. After the canyon we all returned to our house and watched the Gray's Anatomy Finale. It was a very fun relaxing evening.

We celebrated Valters birthday but due to some unfortunate events, Valter had to return back to Brazil early and was not able to be there, but we recorded us singing happy birthday to him. When Iara told him this, I think he started to cry. We made a joke that since Scott and Carol are on their mission we are at least going to get together as families once a month and then when they, Scott and Carol, return we will stop. Scott and Carol are the glue that holds the families together so without them, we all have to be glue.
The day was filled with good family, good friends, great food, lacrosse and stories. The gentleman of the groups were playing catch with some lacrosse sticks and someone threw the ball over the fence and I was the lucky one to jump three fences to retrieve the ball. We talked about Mike's and our friend Tyler's mission to Brazil, it was fun to see them go back in time and relive some on the great and even not so great experiences of their missions. Even Grandma joined in on the fun. We also ate and ate and ate. I have to admit I think I ate at least 2 Pineapples. We love spending time with family. Later that night we also went to the Pony Express Days Rodeo with my Mom, which was awesome. We had an amazing weekend, packed full of fun.