Friday, February 25, 2011

First Dr. Appointment

We went to our first Dr. appointment today and found out we weren't as far along as we thought. We thought we would be about 10 weeks but found out we are only measuring about 5 weeks and 6 days. So we are going back to the doctors in 2 weeks and hopefully we will have a little more news to share.

Friday, February 18, 2011


January 20, 2011, Mike and I found out we were pregnant after a grueling 18 months of trying to get pregnant. We started trying August 2009 and went on fertility meds in April 2010 due to some problems with my body. 8 months later we were over the moon to finally get a positive pregnancy test. I didn't even know what to do when the test showed positive because I was so used to seeing not pregnant. We finally get our little bundle of joy instead of being happy for everyone one else and secretly wishing it was us. On February 25 we go to the first doctors appointment and hopefully will be able to here the heart beat.